Homer Russell Smith Post 587

Our Legion

The American Legion is a great source of fun, fellowship, and support. Community service is at the very heart of our core beliefs and our members have always taken a leadership role in community betterment!

Along with our peers on the City of Fulton Veterans Council, we lead, support, and participate in many community events including:

  • Annual flag placements at all local cemeteries
  • Visits to local schools and interact with and teach our children
  • Coordinating activities on veterans’ holidays including: Memorial Day ceremonies, parade, and other related functions; Veterans Day activities; POW/MIA remembrance, Watchfires, Gold Star Families, etc.
  • Providing honor guards for funerals
  • Keeping the Veterans Memorials and Parks clean and providing fresh flowers and displays.

Our History

The Homer Russell Smith post is named for a Fulton World War I hero, Homer Russell Smith.

Smith was born in Fulton in 1894 and graduated from Fulton High School in 1913. After graduating, he went to the New York Military Academy at Cornwall-on-the-Hudson and while there, he belonged to the Private Band Orchestra, Camera Club and Track Squad.

He later went on to New York University and while he was there, he enlisted in the Army in 1917. He was given the rank of first lieutenant in Company F, 127th Infantry Regiment, 32nd Division, which was under fire from May to November 1918. A report of his service states his unit had only 10 days rest during this six month period.

The 32nd Division took a leading part on five fronts – such as Alsace Sector, Marne Offensive, Oise-Aisne Offensive, Meuse-Argonne – and faced 23 German division and reports state this division was the first to enter German soil during the war.

Smith was killed in action Aug. 28, 1918 while his division was heading off the Germans in the town of Gevigny. He originally was buried in a cemetery in France, but then his body was sent home in December 1919. He is buried in Mt. Adnah Cemetery, Fulton.

World War I Honor Roll & Veterans Memorial Marker

Meeting & Location

We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month at noon.

  • Commander: Larry Macner
  • 1st Vice Commander – Donna Kestner
  • 2nd Vice Commander – John Voetelink
  • Adjutant – William Regan
  • Treasurer – William Donnelly
  • Chaplain – John Young
  • Historian – John Voetelink
  • Judge Advocate – Gary Fronk
  • Sergeant-At-Arms – Gary Fronk
  • Membership – Donna Kestner
  • Service Officer – John McEachen

Physical Address
Homer Russell Smith Post 587
873 Oneida St
Fulton, NY 13069

Contact us for mailing address

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